Business & website credits

Business name: Bistro 59
Owner: Christian Putze
Address: AT-1010 Vienna, Kärntner Straße 59
Phone number: +4315050722
Fax number:
Category: Individual enterprise
Professional cat.: Gastronomy
Section: Coffee house, restaurant
UID number:
Texts: Nina Dominici
Translation: Theodora Roglev
Photographies: Theodora Roglev
Original logo: Ronald Oudejans
Web logo: T. Roglev & A. Chatzetryphon
Concept & design:
Theodora Roglev
Responsible for all content: Christian Putze
Business owner Ch. Putze
Christian Putze

All price indications are to be understood in Euro including tax and duties. Information presented enclosed is subject to changes and errors. Our extensive food offer is seasonal.